Exciting recording session with Ralph Alessi!
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Recommended: Giancarlo Tossani Synapser – “Newswok”
Recommended: Giancarlo Tossani Synapser – “Newswok”
A curious release from Giancarlo Tossani Synapser. Everything about Newswok sounds freely improvised, except that patterns are revealed that imply something meticulously planned. Tempos are like stop motion animation, a perpetual stream of strange poses resulting in an engaging fluidity. But it’s not all just a flurry of activity and an hyperactive persona…
“Click to Play” slips in moody passages of an alluring dissonance between the bouts of quick-footed exuberance that defines the album. Intriguingly, it has an outro that is about as melodically adroit as anything on the recording.
“White” takes a momentary introspective turn via piano, and though the song’s motion is more deliberate than its counterparts, it still moves with a boozy unpredictability that keeps it well in line with all that has come before. It crests with a shriek and a crash, and it’s bass and drums that spur it on to those heights and is there to catch the song when it falls back down to earth.
“Sleepery” is freer than most other tracks, yet is so dense as to counteract its high energy with a lumbering presence.
The brief “Silence” is the fluttering wings of percussion and the tandem of clarinet and trumpet dishing out melodic fragments.
“Minimal Overload” slips between passages in a free fall and those out from of a lullaby. Bass clarinet works the angles at both extremes. Fittingly, it’s how Tossani brings the album to a close.
Challenging music? Yes, certainly. But it’s got a fighting spirit that is both entertaining and fun, and those qualities tend to make challenging music an easier listen.
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Molester sMiles feat. Rob Mazurek. Cremona, 30.05.2016
La nuova gallery dei Molester sMiles!
Review by wonderingsound.com, Dave Sumner (oct.2014)
An intriguing release from pianist Tossani. It gives the sense of being fully improvised, but the precision of the changes and the emergent patterns suggest something mapped out previously. Angular melodies with sudden starts and stops, this is where post-bop and avant-garde create a genre DMZ. Joining Tossani are trumpeter Ralph Alessi, multi-reedist Achille Succi, bassist Tito Mangialajo Rantzer and drummer/percussionist Cristiano Calcagnile. A superb recording. Challenging, sure, but it doesn’t come on strong when it engages the ear.
Dave Sumner (oct.2014)
Un parere in anteprima su “Newswok” di Vincenzo Roggero!
Terzo episodio di un’avventurosa ricerca musicale chiamata Synapser, Newswok ha tutte le carte in regola per timbrare a fuoco con il marchio della qualità più sofisticata il quartetto del pianista e compositore cremonese Giancarlo Tossani. Non solo per la presenza tutt’altro che accessoria del talento di Ralph Alessi, non solo perché Auand è etichetta che ha sostenuto fin dagli esordi il percorso del quartetto ma soprattutto perché le composizioni del leader sembrano aver trovato un’ideale sublimazione sonora e strutturale. L’essenzialità di base della scrittura libera sì lo spirito improvvisativo dei singoli, ma il loro intrecciarsi, il loro addensarsi in materia pulsante, crea architetture mobili di rara efficacia e dalle molteplici prospettive. Newswok è un viaggio del corpo e della mente che, all’interno di una rigorosità discreta, mai coercitiva, si apre ad un ventaglio di umori che sollecitano senza sosta la curiosità dell’ascoltatore.
Vincenzo Roggero scrive su All About Jazz
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